Friday, January 27, 2012

Apple Video Recalling the early days

Here's a youtube video with some nice pics of the first hand-wired Apple-1, and an Apple-2 prototype from 1977  (If I'm not mistaken, this Apple II was sold on ebay about a year ago).

Above: Stack of the Apple-1 white boxes, probably in Steve Jobs' room on Crist Drive.
UPDATE:  I was just informed by Cameron Cooper that this was actually Patti's room (Steve's sister) before they moved into the garage.  Info is from Daniel Kottke.

Below: Hand-wired Apple-1 computer.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Apple-1 BASIC firmware card youtube Demo

I finally got around to doing a video -- enjoy.

Apple-1 BASIC Firmware Card

View the Schematic